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seo and its benefits for your business

SEO and its benefits for your business

Do you want an unending list of leads/customers visiting your website?

Won’t you be happy if you can sit back, relax and enjoy being contacted by new customers without taking any extra efforts?

If you answered yes to the above questions than SEO is for you.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and is unarguably the best source of generating new clients for your business. Let’s see how.

We use Google very often in our daily lives. From online shopping to global news, from finding an address to knowing the current weather, Google is the most widely used search engine. To put things into perspective, Google receives about 63000 searches per second, which roughly translates to 5.6 billion searches a day.

This suggests that a large number of users are searching every second for what they want on Google. If your website is not among these searches, you are missing out on prospective business. This is where SEO comes into play where we as an SEO company in Mumbai, optimise your website so your website appears in those searches mentioned.

It involves building a website that complies with google guidelines by following a certain process. When the process is followed correctly, Google rewards it by pushing the website position further up in its search pages. The ultimate goal is to propel the website to page 1 of google searches for targeted keywords to get maximum visibility. The more the visibility, the more the chances of users visiting the website and converting into customers. Now that you know what SEO is, lets take a look at some of its benefits for your business.

1. Increased website visitors

When a website is SEO friendly and optimised for SEO, it attains top page rankings in Google search results. Top position in search results receive maximum number of impressions and clicks thus leading to increase in website visitors.

2. Higher Conversion Rate

Since SEO provides targeted visitors, they are more likely to visit your website and subsequently convert.

3. Improved User Experience

One of the reasons your website might not be ranking at the top of search results is bad user experience and navigation. Since user experience is a subset of search engine optimisation, a good user experience leads to positive SEO and helps boost rankings.

4. Boosts Local Business

When you have local customers who are looking for products or services like yours, SEO helps boost local business by building brand awareness. Your potential local customers are more likely to trust your brand when your site ranks in the first page of major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. For instance, when our customers from Mumbai search for SEO agency in Mumbai and they find Stymeta website in the top search pages, they are more likely to click on our website and find out more about our SEO offerings. This way we have found prospective local customers interested in our services.

5. Beat Competition

SEO can help beat your competitors. Consider 2 businesses, business A is a company that has an SEO optimised website. Business B is a company with a non-optimised website. Both are in the same industry, offering same products or services at similar prices. Considering all the other parameters are the same, who do you think will attract more customers to their website from local searches? Which company will receive more clients from online searches? Business A is likely to gain more customers and eventually succeed.

Such is the power of SEO. Every business needs to consider this as part of their long term success strategy. Your competitors might have already invested in SEO considering its benefits, have you?

If you are a new business that needs a website, you can take advantage of our website + SEO services. If you already have a website that is not doing well in searches, contact us and watch your business increase gradually in the longer term through our tried and tested SEO strategies.

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